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Suzanne (Español)

Many years ago, I worked and always have worked on my feet and it was very difficult so I had to use special stockings to be able to work 60 hours per week.  I would arrive at home very tired yet had to continue many other chores at the house.  I chose Dr. Sorenson because the reviews that were commented about him were very good.

The doctor is very personable in character and very friendly.  He explained to me that he can help me so I wouldn’t have to feel the pain and heaviness that I had in my legs and that encouraged me to decide to come and receive treatment. Frankly, one feels very at home. He has an employee that would ask me in my own language and would explain to me what would be taking place that day, no surprises.  Sincerely, the treatment is a process that happens so fast and the results are incredible.

Well, I am very happy with my treatment. Now I can wear dresses and I can feel better and frankly, I would have done this sooner but I did not know.  Now, I recommend for those who can do this at a young age to do it and if you are of older age, why not? Why suffer?

Patient Testimonials

"Everything is excellent, the treatment is very good, the staff is very friendly." -- Georjina F.

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