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Restless Leg Syndrome… Could It Be Varicose Veins?

Posted: July 22, 2014   |   Revised: August 17, 2016

Restless LegsAre you or your partner kept awake at night with the irresistible urge to move your legs?  It might be Restless Leg Syndrome.

Some people describe it as a “creeping” feeling in the legs; or tingling, burning, aching or numbness of the legs. This is known as Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) and affects about 10 percent of the population. The symptoms of RLS are worse at night or during periods of relaxation, such as lying down during the day. These symptoms disrupt the sleep not only of the RLS sufferer but can disrupt the sleep of their bed partner as well.

The most common treatment for RLS is a neurologic medication. Unfortunately, these medications relieve the symptoms but they do not cure the condition and must be taken long term. There is a risk of side effects, as there is with any medicine you take.

Several studies indicate that as many as 22 percent of those with RLS also have venous insufficiency. In venous insufficiency the blood valves do not work properly and allow some of the blood to flow backwards and pool in our legs, which can result in bulging veins and cause symptoms such as pain, swelling, tiredness, redness or restlessness.

Venous insufficiency, or varicose vein disease, is often overlooked as a possible cause of RLS.

The swelling that occurs with venous disease often recedes at night and that is believed to cause somehow the “creeping” sensation described by patients with restless leg syndrome. When restless legs occur with venous insufficiency, the restlessness can be improved significantly by treating the varicose veins. A study published in the Journal of Phlebology reported that in patients with both RLS and venous disease, 98 percent had their RLS symptoms relieved with varicose vein treatment and 80 percent of experienced long-term relief!

We recommend that anyone who suffers from the symptoms of RLS consider a consultation with a venous and lymphatic disease specialist to determine if the cause could be venous insufficiency.  If venous disease is present, we can treat the varicose veins and improve the symptoms of RLS without neurologic medication.

For more information, you may contact Vein Specialists of Illinois at 847-468-9900, located at 1670 Capital Street, Suite 500 in Elgin. You may also use this form to schedule your Free Vein Screening!


Patient Testimonials

"The vein specialists were very understanding of my apprehension with the procedure. I’ve had injections for the past 20 years in my legs to control my vericose veins. I can honestly say they were gentle and considerate of my needs…" -- Heather T.

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